Here is a fun Pinterest find that the kids and I really wanted to try out. It is super easy and the kids loved it. Plus, they can enjoy them hanging throughout Easter knowing that they made them. We changed it just a little because we didn't have the liquid starch that it had called for. We used flour and water and made a paste. Then found some pastel embroidery thread and small balloons blown up to resemble Easter eggs. So, first you blow up the balloons and make the flour mixture. Then you put the thread in the mixture without tangling. The best way to keep it from getting tangled is to lay it in a circle as you place it in the bowl. (see pic below) Then you wrap the thread around the balloons making sure to pull off any extra mixture as you go. After it is completely dry, pop the balloons and scrape off any left over flour with a needle. These are great to hang but you can also place them in a bowl on a table to add some color. We had to hot glue the eggs in place on the string so that they wouldn't slide around when we hung them. Here is the finished product. :)
I saw this on Pinterest too. Its looks really nice.